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Aypan D White is used for construction of internal space suspended ceilings, curtain walls, shaft walls and section walls, where impact resistance is requested. It is employed on surfaces, subjected to impacts and hits and where there are intensive internal space traffic is present.

  • Aypan D White is composed of highly intensive and resistance increased pure gypsum at the core and special surface cardboard, covered to both sides. Section, referred as core, is reinforced by additives and fibers, produced specifically for this work in order to increase impact resistance performance of the gypsum plate.

  • Highly pure natural gypsum at core section maintains hardness, resistance, lightness and processability to the plate.

  • Plate’s flexibility and resistance is maintained via special surface cardboard, available on both sides.

  • It can be cut easily via utility knife.

  • All applications, constructed with Aypan D White, are light, flexible and solid, and as it is attached to the building bearings via flexible adhesion details, it maintains secure structures against earthquake.

  • Walls, constructed with using Aypan D White, have thinner cross-sections compared to traditionally constructed walls, and saves location.

  • Aypan D White can be selected for impact subjected sections of the wall (for example, generally at the sections up to 120 cm high from ground) and appropriate plate from Aypan series can be selected for other sections in compliance with the requirements in the project.

  • It is easy to use, and maintains rapid construction. It maintains cost effective construction applications.